Tips to Strengthen Your Immune System

Don’t we ALL want to be healthy? Don’t we ALL want a strong immune system?  We now know how to protect ourselves by washing our hands, wearing a mask, covering our mouths, social distancing, etc. But I want to talk about how to build up heath from the inside out! The stronger we are, the better chance we have to stay healthy.

When not attended to, each one of the areas discussed below decrease our ability to have a strong immune response. This makes us more susceptible to whatever “germs” we come in contact with—COVID-19 or otherwise. Read along and think about what YOU can do to support your immune system and live a healthy life.

It’s hard to stop here because each one of these areas is worth its own book, but just doing a little bit of each will go a long way.

Drink Fresh Water to Support Your Immune System

Drink plenty of fresh water to boost your immune systemDrink plenty of clean water. Staying hydrated helps your cells communicate properly, which is extremely important to your immune system. I know there are various thoughts on this, but play around with 1/2 of your body weight in ounces each day, up to 100 ounces. So, if you are over 200 pounds, then limit to 100 ounces.

See how that works for you. Add some fresh organic lemon (juice and rind) first thing in the morning to set your body up for a good start!

Reduce Stress

Do your best to reduce stress and be resilient to stress. We can’t always control areas of stress, but we CAN control how we respond to it.

Reduce stress to increase your immunityWe sometimes get into habits where we react in ways that we later regret. Think about pausing between that impulse and your reaction. Take some deep breaths and give your “normal” reaction some time to cool down before responding.

My favorite reminder is to be present in the moment—meaning that so much stress is brought on by either worrying about the past or the future. Think about where you are at this very moment. Be present and simply be.

Self-care is possibly an overused word but definitely not an overused action. What does this look like for you? Soaking bath, reading a juicy novel, knitting, singing, restorative yoga, meditating, cooking, loving, laughing, etc. You get the idea—it’s whatever it is that brings you joy, happiness, sense of calm and peace.

Get Moving

A moving body is a stronger body. Which is why we’re told to get regular exercise, but what does this mean? It’s something different for everyone, but here are some general guidelines. And of course, if you have any concerns, speak with your doctor about what is right for you.

Walk every day to help strengthen your immunityWalk every day. Do what you can for 30 minutes. Maybe that’s walking around the neighborhood at lunch. Maybe it’s walking to the mailbox and back several times a day. Maybe you are fortunate to have a walking path near home. Just get up and move when you can.

Lift heavy objects a couple times a week. This can be lifting weights, working on your home, or even lifting the babies.

Get a cardio workout that is more than walking, at least three times a week. This can look like a very brisk walk up to high-intensity training. We are each different so go at your own pace, but work as hard as you can.

A great opportunity for adding in some stretching and mindfulness is just after your workouts. I promise your body and mind will thank you.

My favorite exercise is DANCING!

Nourish & Flourish that Immune System

Eating healthy to nourish your body is key to supporting your immune system. Again, this looks different for everyone, but there are some general guidelines.

Eat a rainbow of vegetables to keep up you immunityEat a rainbow of vegetables. In other words, eat as many colors throughout your week as possible. Do your best to get 6–8 cups of vegetables every day. Sound like a lot? It will be at first, but don’t limit yourself to one vegetable with your meal—have several.

Support your body with organic choices wherever possible. No need to add additional toxins to your body when trying to support a healthy immune response. Find a local farm or order from a respected farm that raises animals as they were intended to live. This will provide you with better nourishment physically and energetically.

Give yourself at least 12 hours between the end of dinner and the beginning of breakfast without food so that your body can do what it needs to do overnight. This piece is critical to your body’s ability to detox and rid cells that are no longer needed.

If you are looking for more suggestions, I’m happy to go into more detail. Schedule a free discovery call with me, and let’s get started.

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